We have been doing really good about making smoothies for breakfast about 5 mornings a week. This one contained pineapple, frozen fruit mix (peaches, strawberries, grapes and melon), yogurt, pineapple juice, and a big handful of spinach. This gets us all our fruit servings, one dairy serving and one vegetable/all our dark green
leafys for one day. And they are
soo tasty!

We went on a LONG walk at
Fort Harrison State Park in Indianapolis on Sunday after church and it was lovely! "L" rode in her new hiking sling and we got lots of good snap shots of her. And also some great nature shots! Here is a lovely water lily in bloom.

One of the trails we took. This one had lots of pretty daisies and some tiny raspberries starting to come on.

The water lilies in Duck Pond.

The water lilies again. Zach and I agree that they are just a neat little plant!

Some pretty reddish pink flowers.
All in all it was a lovely trip! We also visited the Museum of 20
th Century Warfare. Not really our "cup of tea" but neat and informative none the less.
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