~ Purny baby feet after a bath
~ Meals that bring back fond memories of lost loved ones. (Swedish meatballs and butterscotch pie this week. I miss you Grandma!)
~ Going to a yard sale and buying a cast iron skillet for a dollar
~ Kombucha that turns out perfectly (google it!) :o)
~ Heirloom tomato plants (got all of ours planted!)
~ Baby teeth! ("L" got her first two teeth in 3 days! And she hasn't been super grumpy!)
~Productive mornings
~ Meals that bring back fond memories of lost loved ones. (Swedish meatballs and butterscotch pie this week. I miss you Grandma!)
~ Going to a yard sale and buying a cast iron skillet for a dollar
~ Kombucha that turns out perfectly (google it!) :o)
~ Heirloom tomato plants (got all of ours planted!)
~ Baby teeth! ("L" got her first two teeth in 3 days! And she hasn't been super grumpy!)
~Productive mornings
My daughter is going to try making her own Kambucha- I am so glad you have success. Wild fermentation is something we enjoy doing on our farm and your gratitude for success is something I am going to share with my daughter- she's expecting her mushroom soon, she is doing a natural leaven/mushroom barter with a young women in ND. We live in MI... her leaven is going soon and the mushroom is due on its way. Post pictures of your successes and failures if you find a space and time... Thanks