Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Week #9

~ Random parks found on long car rides to somewhere else

~ Family joining together for holidays

~ My parents

~ The prayer before a BIG holiday meal

~ Old dresses on new babies

~A church full of little ones dressed to the "nines"

~hiding Easter eggs (I think this is more fun than hunting them as a kid!)


  1. Yes! "Old dresses on new babies" I can remember finding a carefully smocked green calico dress for my first babe and daughter R. Anne. The smocking was done with red threads and put a sort of rosebud look in the folds. The dress was longer and her toes were the only thing you could see with her chubby arms sticking out from the puffed short sleeves. Oh the memories... I want a grand daughter!

  2. Oh how lovely that sounds! My Mom was going through boxes of cloths from when my sister and I were babies and found the cutest dress for her to wear to church on Easter. It was pale white with tiny little buttons up the back. It has a white penfore (sp?) with little white dots and ruffles galore. It also had a diaper cover with ruffles on the bum and a beautiful old style bonnet that tied with a big bow at the chin. She had also kept some of our little shoes and had a pair of black patent leather ones that fit her just perfectly. I have LOTS of pictures and will be sure to post some of them!
    All the little ones at church that Sunday were so cute but all but mine were wearing "adult" looking modern outfits. I wish we could get back to the days of really dressing them up like little babies!
    Here's praying for a little grand daughter for you to dress up one of these days! :o)
